An image of a woman taking off her glasses with one hand and holding books in the other. Her expression is one of concern bordering on worry.

Help for Master’s Students

Master’s Student Coaching: Struggling to finish your master’s degree? Maybe you have had a setback. […]

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Ph.D. Student Coaching

Dissertation Coaching for Ph.D. Students

Ph.D. and Dissertation Coaching Are you feeling lost or overwhelmed trying to earn your PhD? […]

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Graduate Student Success Coach Dr. Cristie Glasheen

About Your Graduate Student Success Coach

About Your Academic Coach: Nice to meet you! I’m your Graduate Student Success Coach, Dr. […]

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Graduate Student Help

Graduate Student Help Featured Image: Collage of graduate students in caps and gowns. The text overlay says "Are You Ready to Finish Your Degree? Graduate Student Success Coaching."

Help for Graduate Students

A.M., Postdoc, Atmospheric Science

Hi Cristie, I just wanted to let you know that I finished my presentation on time… one day ahead of schedule! That’s a first for me. Thank you for your help keeping me on track with our coaching sessions!

A.M., PhD Student, Economics, 2020

Successfully submitted my online [grant] application! It was an unknown journey for me, but what I now do know is that it was possible greatly thanks to you. So thank you so much!

A.S., Ph.D. Candidate, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, 2022

I PASSED [the oral comprehensive exams]. Thank you so so so so so much! I could not have done this without you! [redacted for privacy] I can’t believe it’s over […] The beginning of the end is finally here! I’m so happy!!!

K.G., Ph.D. Public Health, 2017

Just got this in my email – [Dissertation] Approved with no restrictions! THANKS, COACH!

A.S., Ph.D. Public Health, 2018

Finished! My dissertation was defended on 01-July and I am an official Ph.D.! What an incredible journey. I am so grateful for our interactions and still apply [your] lessons in life.

M.H., Ph.D. Toxicology, 2023

Dr. Glasheen! I passed with barely any revisions requested of me. I am able to submit my dissertation tomorrow morning […]!
Thank you for all your help!

K.H., Doctor of Physical Therapy Student, 2020

It has been a crazy semester but it is going really well. Just finished 2 of my courses and feel really good about them. I feel like I have been able to use so much from working with you the last year to make this semester go amazing.

Alex, Ph.D. Environmental Science, 2019

Having Cristie as a coach was one of the best investments I made in graduate school. Period. She was instrumental in helping me pass my comprehensive exam and finish my research proposal, all while giving me the tools to manage two other projects I was juggling at the time. Despite being laser-focused and results-driven in helping me achieve my academic outcomes, Cristie is also very human and reminded me that graduate school is more than just academics and that you have to make time for yourself and for fun stuff.

H.N., Masters in Public Health, 2021

Just want to appreciate the incredible Cristie and how wonderful of a mentor she is. I’d want to be your student and to learn from you over and over again! There’s absolutely no one half as good as you’re. Thank you for being a part of my journey. My heart is SO full now that I’m done with my degree and I reflect on the huge role that you played in making it true. What a gem!

G.G., Ph.D. Bioinformatics, 2023

I just wanted to let you know I successfully defended and will be graduating in a couple weeks!
Thank you again for all your help […]!

T.N., PhD. Evolutionary Biology, 2023

I’m a doctor!!! Wooo! The presentation went well […]. Thanks so much for all of your help getting to this point! I really appreciate it!

S.C., Professional Development Coaching Client, 2017

It’s so very evident how much Dr. Cristie cares about my progress and successes. It gets me through the hard days knowing how much she is genuinely routing for me. She’s gone out of her way to be responsive and supportive and help me get past the blocks I kept running into. She really did help get me unstuck and now I’m staying that way.

A.S., Ph.D. Epidemiology, 2018

I don’t know how other people who are balancing work and family manage to finish their dissertations without a coach, but I am so glad [other client] told me about you. This was the best decision I could’ve made. I’m so thankful.

Graduate Student Burnout

Are you swamped with the demands of graduate school and wondering how the heck you're going to manage it all? Are you feeling stressed, exhausted, and overwhelmed? Are anxiety, perfectionism, or procrastination stopping you from succeeding in grad. school? Are you lacking the personalized support you need to complete your degree? With drop-out estimates ranging as high as 50%, you're in good company. Many graduate students need help mastering graduate school.

You knew when you applied that graduate school was going to be challenging, but you probably didn't expect it to be this hard. Massive stacks of reading, high-pressure exams, impossible deadlines, and a looming thesis or dissertation can be overwhelming. Balancing all of that with the everyday responsibilities of life and you may feel like it's gotten to be all too much.

Maybe you feel lost, untethered, and unsupported. But the good news is, you don't have to go it alone. There is help! Academic success coaching can help graduate students overcome the challenges of grad. school so that they can get unstuck, stay unstuck, and finish their degrees.

If you're feeling stressed out, wondering if you really belong in grad. school, aren't sure how you're going to get through this degree, or thinking about quitting, then read on because THIS IS FOR YOU.

Why Academic Success Coaching?

Graduate student success isn’t all about willpower, commitment, or intelligence. Unlike your undergraduate degree, you can't brute force and memorize your way through the curriculum. Graduate school requires strategy, resilience, and many hidden skills that allow you to work faster and more efficiently. Sadly, faculty often take it for granted that you have developed these skills and don’t provide enough support.

That's why I'm here. To help graduate students develop these skills and build their confidence so that they can tackle the challenges of graduate school.

Click here to schedule a free telephone consultation

The Truth About Graduate School

Let’s face it, graduate school is expensive! Every semester you’re there costs you time and money. Not to mention the stress. And what if you don’t finish? Did you know that:

  • An estimated 1 in 3 master's students and nearly half of all Ph.D. students drop out!
  • The average cost of a Ph.D. ranges from $50,000 to over $100,000!
  • That’s on top of the average $30,000 to $120,000 that you might have spent earning a master's degree!
  • The average time for a Ph.D. is 8.5 years!

It’s Outrageous! And it’s enough to drive you crazy, but it doesn’t have to. I earned a master's degree while working two jobs and finished my research-based Ph.D. in 3 years. How? I had great support and fantastic mentors. Unfortunately, not all graduate students are that lucky. That’s where academic success coaching comes in.

A.S., Ph.D. Epidemiology, 2018

I don’t know how other people who are balancing work and family manage to finish their dissertations without a coach, but I am so glad [other client] told me about you. This was the best decision I could’ve made. I’m so thankful.

Alex, Ph.D. Environmental Science, 2019

Having Cristie as a coach was one of the best investments I made in graduate school. Period. She was instrumental in helping me pass my comprehensive exam and finish my research proposal, all while giving me the tools to manage two other projects I was juggling at the time. Despite being laser-focused and results-driven in helping me achieve my academic outcomes, Cristie is also very human and reminded me that graduate school is more than just academics and that you have to make time for yourself and for fun stuff.

M.H., Ph.D. Toxicology, 2023

Dr. Glasheen! I passed with barely any revisions requested of me. I am able to submit my dissertation tomorrow morning […]!
Thank you for all your help!

K.G., Ph.D. Public Health, 2017

Just got this in my email – [Dissertation] Approved with no restrictions! THANKS, COACH!

A.S., Ph.D. Candidate, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, 2022

I PASSED [the oral comprehensive exams]. Thank you so so so so so much! I could not have done this without you! [redacted for privacy] I can’t believe it’s over […] The beginning of the end is finally here! I’m so happy!!!

G.G., Ph.D. Bioinformatics, 2023

I just wanted to let you know I successfully defended and will be graduating in a couple weeks!
Thank you again for all your help […]!

A.M., Postdoc, Atmospheric Science

Hi Cristie, I just wanted to let you know that I finished my presentation on time… one day ahead of schedule! That’s a first for me. Thank you for your help keeping me on track with our coaching sessions!

T.N., PhD. Evolutionary Biology, 2023

I’m a doctor!!! Wooo! The presentation went well […]. Thanks so much for all of your help getting to this point! I really appreciate it!

H.N., Masters in Public Health, 2021

Just want to appreciate the incredible Cristie and how wonderful of a mentor she is. I’d want to be your student and to learn from you over and over again! There’s absolutely no one half as good as you’re. Thank you for being a part of my journey. My heart is SO full now that I’m done with my degree and I reflect on the huge role that you played in making it true. What a gem!

K.H., Doctor of Physical Therapy Student, 2020

It has been a crazy semester but it is going really well. Just finished 2 of my courses and feel really good about them. I feel like I have been able to use so much from working with you the last year to make this semester go amazing.

A.S., Ph.D. Public Health, 2018

Finished! My dissertation was defended on 01-July and I am an official Ph.D.! What an incredible journey. I am so grateful for our interactions and still apply [your] lessons in life.

A.M., PhD Student, Economics, 2020

Successfully submitted my online [grant] application! It was an unknown journey for me, but what I now do know is that it was possible greatly thanks to you. So thank you so much!

S.C., Professional Development Coaching Client, 2017

It’s so very evident how much Dr. Cristie cares about my progress and successes. It gets me through the hard days knowing how much she is genuinely routing for me. She’s gone out of her way to be responsive and supportive and help me get past the blocks I kept running into. She really did help get me unstuck and now I’m staying that way.

Let Me Help You Kick Grad. School Ass

Picture of Academic Coach, Dr. Cristie Glasheen (she/her) who provides help for struggling graduate students

One of the strongest predictors of graduate student success is the amount of help and support they have. That's what I provide. I'm here to teach you the tips, tricks, and strategies to overcome all of the major challenges grad. students encounter. I’m Dr. Cristie Glasheen. My mission is to give you the support you need to graduate sooner and with less stress.

Whether you are having trouble balancing your responsibilities, fighting procrastination, have become stalled on your thesis or dissertation, or you've had a major setback, coaching can be your ticket back on track to finish your degree. With a few clicks of the button below, help is just a phone call away.

If you are feeling stuck, stressed the hell out, and ready to scream then I can help.

If everything you needed was in a webinar or written on some webpage or book, you wouldn’t be here. Coaching provides the help you need to succeed in graduate school.

Helping Graduate Students To:

  • Improve time management
  • Overcome procrastination
  • Reduce stress
  • Make graduate school manageable
  • Maintain work-life balance
  • Overcome writer’s block
  • Un-terrify statistics
  • Develop good research skills
  • Improve your writing speed and skill
  • Deal with challenging faculty or committee members
  • Overcome setbacks
  • Defeat the perfectionism demon
  • Handle feedback with grace and aplomb
  • And most of all: FINISH! FINISH! FINISH!

Together, we will find or create a solution that fits your needs. I’m here to be your personal coach because let’s face it, if it were easy you’d have already done it.

So, schedule a free consultation with me today and get the support you deserve. It's your golden ticket to graduate student success.

Click here to schedule a free telephone consultation

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Check out what my other clients have had to say.

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