About Your Graduate Student Success Coach

Graduate Student Success Coach, Dr. Cristie Glasheen, Specializing in academic coaching for master's and doctoral students.

About Your Academic Coach:

Nice to meet you! I’m your Graduate Student Success Coach, Dr. Cristie Glasheen. I’m an academic coach specializing in helping graduate students, like you, who’ve gotten stuck (or want to avoid getting stuck), earn their Master’s or Ph.D.

Graduate school is tough. Not only are you expected to perform at the highest academic level, but often you’re balancing more commitments than ever before. Between coursework, teaching commitments, research activities, and meeting family or work commitments, all while writing a thesis or dissertation – it can be overwhelming. The secret is that it doesn’t have to be. That’s why, I started academic coaching for graduate students and founded Step Strong Coaching. For over a decade now, I’ve helped graduate students find more efficient ways to approach studying, writing, and conducting research so that they can finish faster and with less stress.

With a bachelor’s in psychology, a master’s degree in public health, and a Ph.D. in epidemiology, I know the secrets to academic success and productivity. I completed my MPH in 2 years despite working 2 jobs and taking 18 credit hours most semesters, so I know what it’s like to do a lot of juggling and hard work. I completed my coursework and dissertation in 3 years while working part-time and maintaining a healthy relationship with my husband [of over 20 years now].

After a decade of professional research, I’m able to teach you the skills to be more focused, directed, and efficient, and better able to handle the challenges that come with being a grad. student. My mission is to get you unstuck and help you stay unstuck so that you can graduate on time, with as little stress as possible. I’ve helped students from around the world earn their master’s and doctorate and I’m looking forward to helping you.

Click here to schedule a free telephone consultation

Graduate Student Coaching With Me

Let’s face it, grad. school is a world unto itself. It’s got its own rules, its own customs, and even its own language. Navigating it all can be overwhelming. There’s coursework plus practicums, capstones, teaching requirements, theses, dissertations —and for many, juggling work and family. On top of all that, if you get a bad adviser or even just one who isn’t very engaged, it can feel like it’s just too much! No wonder there are so many A.B.D.s out there!

Studies have shown that mentoring is a vital component of completing graduate school. Academic coaching will give you the mentorship you need. First, I’ve been there. I know how to make it through with your sanity intact. Second, I know all about productivity, motivation, and handling procrastination. I’ve been helping people become more productive for decades – even before I started formally coaching. Third, I’ve got a decade of professional research experience in study design and analysis – need advice on how to set up your study or do your analyses? Yup, I can help you there too. Whatever you need to make it through your Master’s or Ph.D., I can help.

Academic coaching is done over the phone or by Zoom, making it easy for you to work with me from anywhere in the world. I’ve helped clients in countries as far away as Kenya, Turkey, England, and Japan.

Free Graduate Student Coaching Consult

Just click the calendar button to schedule a free coaching consultation. I’ll call you at the time you select. Easy-peasy. No hard sales or pressure tactics, just a conversation about how I can help you excel in your program.

Click here to schedule a free telephone consultation

Not Sure if Graduate Student Coaching Is For You?

I get it. Coaching is a commitment and maybe you are worried about taking on one more thing, but that one more thing can be the difference between success and burnout. I’m so confident that coaching will make your life a thousand times easier, I offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. This is why:

Having Cristie as a coach was one of the best investments I made in graduate school. Period. She was instrumental in helping me pass my comprehensive exam and finish my research proposal, all while giving me the tools to manage two other projects I was juggling at the time. Despite being laser-focused and results-driven in helping me achieve my academic outcomes, Cristie is also very human and reminded me that graduate school is more than just academics and that you have to make time for yourself and for fun stuff

Alex, Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, 2020

Finished! My dissertation was defended on 01-July and I am an official Ph.D.! What an incredible journey. I am so grateful for our interactions and still apply [your] lessons in life.

A.S., 2020

‘Just got this in my email – Approved with no restrictions! THANKS, COACH!’

K.G., Ph.D. in Epidemiology, 2017

Are you still wondering if this is for you or if this is the right time to start academic coaching? Maybe you aren’t sure I’m the right graduate student coach for you. Maybe you aren’t sure if you need a coach or a therapist. That’s OK. I can help you figure all that out. Check out my Master’s or Ph.D. coaching services for more details. Then, just schedule a free consultation call and I’ll take the time to answer all your questions, even the ones you might not know to ask. That’s what the consultation session is for, to help you make an informed decision. No high-pressure sales or obligations!

You Deserve To Succeed.

 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!