About Your Virtual Accountability Partner

The Student Productivity Project:
Virtual Accountability Partnership

A person on a mountain is extending their arm to help another climber climb up. Symbolizing the assistance of a virtual accountability partner for students.

We all know how easy it is to procrastinate without structure, encouragement, and someone to answer to. Even the most passionate graduate students struggle to get the productivity support they need to complete their degrees. That’s what the Student Productivity Project is for! Our goal is to give aspiring and current graduate students, like you, a virtual accountability partner to encourage your productivity and hold you accountable so that you can graduate sooner!

About Us

I’m Dr. Cristie Glasheen, an academic coach and founder of Graduate Student Success. I’ve been coaching graduate students for about a decade. Over the years, it’s become increasingly clear that many graduate students are not getting the support and accountability they need to finish their degrees in good time. And, while I work with students struggling with specific issues (e.g., abusive advisors, ADHD, research setbacks, test anxiety, etc.), I’ve met even more students who just aren’t getting the productivity structure they need to succeed.

That’s why I wanted to start the Student Productivity Project, to help even more students excel in their degrees. The problem was, I was fully booked. So, two years after envisioning the project, I have finally found an online accountability partner that I know can help students in the way they deserve.

Meet Your Virtual Accountability Partner

Ann Allen

Don’t let her sweet southern charm fool you, this woman is equal parts cheerleader and project manager. Exactly what you are looking for in an accountability partner Motivating when you’re feeling down but stern when you need it, she brings the perfect balance of empathy, encouragement, and accountability. With over 20 years of experience in wrangling nurses, children, and peers alike, Ann’s developed a sixth sense for what you need to be able to step up and meet your goals.

As your virtual accountability partner, Ann offers one-on-one online accountability sessions and facilitates our online productivity groups. So, whether you need a single session to jump-start something you’ve been avoiding, want an ongoing partnership with between-session support, or prefer to get stuff done in the company of like-minded peers, she has you covered.

How to Start

One-on-One Online Sessions

If you’re considering one-on-one virtual accountability sessions to take control of your productivity and defeat the procrastination demon, book a free 15-minute online consultation with virtual accountability partner, Ann (camera optional), to learn if this program is right for you.

Sign up button that says "Is an accountability partner the key to your success? Click here to find out. Schedule a free consultation."

Online Support Group

If you’re looking for an occasional session with more community and the accountability of a scheduled appointment, you can sign up for any available group session. Sessions are limited to no more than 10 participants and are $9.99 to reserve your seat. We also offer periodic group sessions for free. Follow us on Facebook to learn when we are hosting free groups.

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